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Food Allergies Have Tripled In 10 Years: Is the Western Diet The Cause?

Food allergies cases have tripled in the past 10 years and this is traced to the Western diet. This is according to a new...

Gardasil’s HPV Shots Cause Severe Damage to Teenage Girls Bodies

The first time I heard of Human papillomavirus (HPV) was when I was in college. I thought it was the HIV-AIDS virus! It freaked...

Water: The Health Support We All Need

In order to function properly, the human body needs water. Women need approximately 11.5 cups of fluids per day, whereas men need about 15.5...

Do Vaccines Really Protect Us from Diseases?

With the alarming incidents of deaths allegedly connected to the Dengvaxia vaccine, how can we be sure that other vaccines can aid parents in...

11 Foods that May Harm Your Thyroid Health

For someone who has never worried about having a thyroid problem, then the word “Goiter” or “Goitrogens” might not crop up in your vocabulary....

Is Adrenal Fatigue Real? And If so… Then What?

The term “adrenal fatigue” has gained recent popularity as one possible cause of an apparent epidemic of gut problems, sleep disturbances, anxiety and fatigue....

10 Fascinating Heart Disease Facts Worth Knowing

INTRODUCTION Several health agencies (including the CDC, the NIH, the American Heart Association, etc.) monitor trends and developments relating to cardiovascular disease (CVD).  One might...

Why Meditation is Hard For Some People

As a meditation teacher, by far the most common complaint I hear about meditation is “I can’t meditate, it’s just too hard.” Many people come...

The Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

I always teach my patients not to take everything at face value when it comes to their “long-term health”. Reading and examine and evaluate...